Thursday, October 16, 2014

Concerning Sharks: Solomon the Saw Shark

Shark Webcam, courtesy of Shark Lagoon
Hiya Solomon

Paying a visit to our friends the sharks. Listen to Bruce, "Fish are Friends not Food." And sharks are also fish, ergo they are our friends. Treat them as such. They didn't undergo millions of years of evolution just to be slaughtered for their fins. Anyway, this particular post isn't supposed to be an opinion piece, that's for another time :)

 Two black tips to the right, slightly above another shark (I'm not sure what the dark grey shark is)
The shark, that I think is a nurse shark is still basking near the rock.

The black tip's tip is almost touching the surface. It's interesting watching the sharks right after the belugas, everything about them is vastly different. 
Their body shape, their behavior, and their movements. The belugas have much more clear movements, in that I can tell what they are doing to propel themselves forward. The sharks on the other hand, have much less obvious movements. They are able to travel efficiently, swimming quickly, yet expelling little energy.  

Solomon is slowly creeping forwards.

Hello Solomon. 
That saw is really fascinating. I will try to figure out what it's purpose is soonish. 

Not only is Solomon's saw interesting, his entire body shape is interesting. Whereas the black tips have very streamlined forms, maintaining minimal width, Solomon has a much broader and flatter shape. I've also noticed that Solomon spends much more time near the bed of the pool, whereas the smaller reef sharks tend to spend more time in the middle level, also moving between levels more frequently.  
Good image to see the size difference between the Saw Shark (Solomon) and the smaller black tips.  
The fins of sharks are vastly different than Wake and Nemo's (they don't even have a dorsal fin- they have a dorsal ridge), whereas sharks seem to have two dorsals.  
Very streamlined form of the Black tip, next to the more oddly shaped Solomon. The fins seems to be facing in every which direction, whereas the black tip has more uniform fins, largely facing in the same direction.  

Solomon swimming leisurely beneath a black tip.  

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