Thursday, October 23, 2014

Concerning Fish: "Nobody cares about fish."

"Nobody cares about fish," it certainly seems that way. I read this article a couple minutes ago: Trout of order! Fish brutally stabbed with Swiss Army Knife sparks outrage. Yes it should spark outrage. My goodness. What goes through people's minds? Someone decided that the thing to do was stab a knife into the back of a trout, this trout was still alive mind you, swimming along in the river. WHY. That is the question I must ask. WHY? What could this action possibly achieve? Why do people take such an issue with fish? First the majority of the population couldn't care less about their fate in terms of overfishing, and now apparently some people believe it acceptable to stab them in the back.

This is an act of animal cruelty. Yes it's a fish! I don't care if you don't like fish. Are fish my favorite animal? No. Do I care about them? With a burning passion. Just because it doesn't look like you or me doesn't mean it doesn't deserve respect. When in our history did we reach the conclusion that animals are below us? Something to be used, extorted, tortured, and abused? Although, this article angers me, it gives me immense hope. According to it, people were enraged with this act of cruelty, so I guess the number of people who actually care about fish is rising.

Fish deserve the same respect and consideration as shark, dolphin, horse, or panda. If I have to plaster a picture of a panda on a blue-fin tuna, I will (as long as it doesn't harm their way of living).

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