Saturday, October 18, 2014

Concerning Belugas: Circuit Swimming- Affirmative (9:40 AM Vancouver Time)

Beluga Webcam, courtesy of Vancouver Aquarium

Second time today checking up on Captain Nemo. Over an hour and a half later and he is still circuiting... In the meantime it's gotten brighter in the tank, so it'll be easier to see Nemo's circuit path. I'll try to get another observation up a couple hours later, and see if he's stopped circuiting.
Possible errors in my analysis: Unfortunately, I don't have the time to watch a webcam 24/7, so the most I can do is check up every couple hours for a few minutes. I'm assuming that Nemo has been circuiting throughout the hour, but I could be wrong. So bear that in mind. With that, here is the image proof of his circuiting.
One last thing, sorry Wake, I may be neglecting you for a few weeks as I focus on Nemo's circuiting behavior, but I'll be sure to write some posts about him in the near future.

Apologies, I noticed that I have my mouse on the screen for the first few screenshots... Remember that Nemo is the one that has the ridges on his underside. If you can't tell which whale I'm talking about, be sure to check out some of my earlier posts, where I talk about identifying them. 

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