Sharks. "Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun BOM BOM dun dun." That's what you're thinking, no? Unfortunately, this is what many people think. "Sharks are man-eating machines." How'd they get this reputation? Most certainly, at least partially, thanks to Jaws. One horror movie, has basically ensured the accepted deaths of these fascinating creatures. I would go so far as to say that without the publication of Jaws, some people may have been a little more concerned with the millions of sharks brutally killed every year. All for a soup. Yes a soup. Shark-fin soup. I hope in some small way, I might be able to alter someone's opinion of these creatures. They are often in the news, usually under a header similar to this, "Surfer Maliciously Mauled by Shark", "Man's Arm Amputated After Shark Attack," or "Girl Attacked by Shark." With these types of headlines, it is little wonder why sharks have the rep they do. Do you know that more people are killed by deer per year? DEER. And vending machines. Yes, VENDING MACHINES. Add to that list: Dogs, Icicles, Hippos, Bathtubs (that be, drowning in one), and falling out of bed. So no, they do not kill thousands of people per year, not even hundreds, the number is closer to a couple dozen. 20. And that is at the upper end of estimations.
Also keep in mind that most shark attacks are not unwarranted: some are, but most aren't. As with most animals, sharks are more afraid that you than you are of it. In other words, if you bash a shark on the nose, if you poke it with a stick, or if you deliberately disturb it in any way, there is good reason that, that shark may be inclined to bite you. Also going into the ocean with open wounds (main idea that they could smell your blood), may make you seem enticing to a shark. Remember, it isn't their [meaning sharks] responsibility to know that you aren't a seal, it is YOUR responsibility to know how to interact with them.
Probably the easiest argument I can make: you are entering their environment, understand the possible consequences of that decision. That shark did not lure you in to the ocean, its sole goal isn't to eat you alive, you entered its territory- if you aren't willing to accept those terms, swim in a lake.
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