drug rules are starting to be adapted. I would say that I'm happy, but it's marred by the fact that it should've been done earlier! These sorts of activities, that require an animal to participate (without choice might I add), need to put the animal's safety first. It's different for people. They consent with participating, you can have them be put in as much danger as you want, as long as they consent to it. If it's their choice I don't care. The issue with horse racing, is the horses never gave consent. They never said they wanted to endanger their life, with little in terms of gratitude. And for this reason, the least, the BARE minimum, that we must do, is provide adequate protocols to ensure their safety. For goodness, sake, if they aren't going to be allowed to make their own decisions, at least make sure they don't needlessly risk their life, every time they go out onto a track.
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